Sarah Skinner

Research Interests

My pronouns are she/her

Post-transcriptional control of plant immunity has been established as an important way that plants
interact with pathogens. GLYCINE RICH PROTEIN 7 (GRP7) has been highlighted as a key RNA-binding protein (RBP) in Arabidopsis thaliana that differentially interacts with RNA transcripts when in the presence of pathogen elicitors, such as flg22. It regulates these transcripts using alternative splicing (AS) which generates protein isoforms with different functions that help the plant respond to biotic stress. The question remains, however, as to the specific function of the proteins these RNA targets encode. My project aims to further our knowledge of these. To achieve this goal, I will characterise the immune response of a selection of these genes under flg22 treatment and explore their potential differential posttranscriptional modifications, by examining knockout mutant lines.

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