Dr Dan Challender

Research Interests

I am an interdisciplinary conservation scientist interested in wildlife trade and use, its sustainability, governance, and economics, including human behaviour, and pangolins and their conservation.

I lead research streams on pangolins and wildlife trade policy and I am co-leading the development of masterclasses on illegal wildlife trade (IWT) with a focus on West Africa.

  • Wildlife trade policy: portfolio of projects drawing on regulatory theory and empirical insights to assess the effectiveness of MEAs including CITES, evaluate the use of evidence in national and international policy-making, and investigate the role of institutions in conservation.
  • Pangolins: portfolio of projects on the use and trade of pangolins, their status and morphology, national and international trade policy, and the role of institutions in pangolin conservation.
  • IWT masterclasses: leading the development, design and delivery of masterclasses to support and build capacity among researchers, policymakers and practitioners to address IWT. Initial focus on West Africa (2023-2024).

In 2012, I re-formed the IUCN SSC Pangolin Specialist Group and served as Chair of the group until early 2021. I now serve as CITES focal point for the group. I am also a member of the IUCN CEESP/SSC Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi).

Additional Affiliations

Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science (ICCS)

Group Members