New Suppressors of the Chloroplast Protein Import Mutant tic40 Reveal a Genetic Link between Protein Import and Thylakoid Biogenesis

A new paper has been published in The Plant Cell: New Suppressors of the Chloroplast Protein Import Mutant tic40 Reveal a Genetic Link between Protein Import and Thylakoid Biogenesis with work by Professor Paul Jarvis.


A. Transmission electron micrograph close-up showing the thylakoid ultrastructure of the stic1 tic40 suppressor double mutant.

B. Arabidopsis plants of 4 weeks age. From left to right, the genotypes are: wild type, tic40 single mutant, stic1 tic40 suppressor double mutant.

C. The question mark refers to the enigmatic functions of the STIC proteins, and comprises, from top to bottom: a wild-type plant; a transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a wild-type chloroplast; a TEM close-up showing wild-type thylakoid ultrastructure; a tic40 mutant plant; a TEM of a tic40 mutant chloroplast; a stic1 tic40suppressor double-mutant plant; a TEM of a stic1 tic40 suppressor mutant chloroplast; a TEM close-up showing stic1 tic40 thylakoid ultrastructure; a confocal micrograph showing STCL-YFP localization in a wild-type protoplast.